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Dynacare Sdn Bhd was born out of a desire to establish a modern and sustainable glove manufacturing facility from the ground up, employing only the most cutting-edge of technologies to manufacture gloves of the highest quality, standards and acceptability in the international markets.

Dynacare is owned by Johan Holdings Berhad and George Kent (Malaysia) Berhad, two renowned corporations listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia, the stock exchange of Malaysia. This ownership structure brings together their diverse experience and expertise in such fields as manufacturing, engineering and construction, as well as international health and wellbeing product distribution. It is this unique amalgamation of strengths that forms the foundation for the accelerated development of Dynacare’s competencies in raw material procurement, research and development, logistics and supply chain management, and quality control, amongst others.

Dynacare manufactures medical-grade and specialty gloves for use by various industries. Our state-of-the-art glove manufacturing plant (“Plant”) is situated in Lumut Industrial Park, an industrial hub located in the northern state of Perak in Malaysia. Read More

Vision, Mission & Values

Our Commitment To Quality

At Dynacare, we are committed to quality in everything we produce.

We have specialist teams that are dedicated to upholding the quality of our products. Our quality assurance processes are rigorous, in conformance with the standards set by global accreditation bodies. Our products meet the exacting requirements of international certifications like ISO, EN, ASTM, and CE.


To be the preferred glove specialist for the world by delivering the BEST in Rubber Gloves


Dynacare strives to be:

  • A responsible corporate citizen that embraces sustainability in its business and operations
  • A manufacturer of nitrile gloves of the highest quality and acceptability in the international markets
  • An employer of choice with a positive company culture, leadership and employee engagement


We are guided by ethical principles that encourage stakeholders to make decisions based on the company’s vision and mission statements.


We are committed to high standards of professionalism and integrity in our business conduct.


We are committed to build an efficient and environmentally friendly manufacturing plant and supporting infrastructure to produce our gloves.


We strive for excellence in everything that we do. Going beyond the high standards that we set for our product quality, we resolve to be a responsible corporate citizen and employer.


We are sensitive to the needs of our customers. Our products are designed to meet their specific requirements.

© 2024 Dynacare Sdn Bhd
202001020224 (1376544-A)

Contact Details

11th Floor, Wisma E&C,
No. 2 Lorong Dungun Kiri,
Damansara Heights,
50490, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Tel: +603-2092 1858
Fax: +603-2092 2812